Bible & Ministry Equipping

Our Christian Education (CE) program approaches the maturing of our members holistically through helping them acquire cognitive knowledge of God’s Word, moulding and guiding them to become actively involved in ministry as a disciple of Christ.

We conduct the following programs:

  1. Foundation Series – This sessions are for new believers where they are taught and grounded in the Bible and faith in God.
  2. The Freedom-in-Christ series aims to guide believers on how to overcome the bondages of sin in his life and discover the freedom that he has in Christ. Water Baptism and church membership commences after the fulfilment of these pre-requisites.
  3. ISOM Program – This program is conducted in conjunction with The International School of Ministry. Teaching is done through video by dynamic and well known ministers worldwide. The curriculum aims to train and equip leaders and believers in ministry.
  4. Pre-Marital Counselling – This is a marriage preparation course that aims to guide the couple into a Christ-centred marriage. There will be sharing and discussion on the various aspects of married life – the spousal relationship, relationship with in-laws, managing finances, preparation for children, etc. The couple will also be guided through the details of the wedding ceremony.

You may contact the church office at 63443500 or email if you need more information on the above programs.